CAREL is proud to be supporting the Padova Marathon, to be held on 26 September 2021, as a gold sponsor. Our partnership with the organisers Assindustria Sport and the other promoters has made the event possible despite the difficulties due to the pandemic.
The CAREL Group is a hotbed of runners. More and more CAREL employees are starting to run in their free time, at the time of day that best fits their schedule. Our group of runners has not only shown consistency but has also grown in terms of success and enthusiasm. Is this because running is now a trend and anyone can do it? Certainly, but there’s more to it than that! CAREL has promoted running among its employees, above all at events such as the Padova Marathon. This year, to encourage participation, the company will also pay the registration fees for all employees who want to try the half marathon, the 10 km or the Stracittadine fun runs.
CAREL has been sponsoring the leading race in Padua province for the last two years, as we recognise the growing importance of promoting a healthy (and socially responsible!) lifestyle: the company cares about the health of its employees and believes that an active lifestyle will help them live better, pollute less and even spend some fun time with their colleagues. All with increasing attention to the local territory, either through the organisation of and participation in events that do not merely promote physical activity, but that also recognise the values of socialisation, sustainability and altruism. Running to contribute and to hope in something better, and not just “to run”.