In December 2021, the Board of Directors approved the main guidelines of the company’s Sustainability Plan. A series of concrete actions spread across several years, summarised by the concept Driven by the Future - Sustainability in action, will reflect the company’s idea of the future and the contribution it intends to make to global sustainable development.
CAREL’s commitment to the environment and sustainability has accompanied it since its foundation in 1973, and over time has been pursued in two different yet converging directions: on one hand, maximising energy efficiency through increasingly smart and interconnected products, and on the other, by making a significant contribution to the transition to less polluting natural refrigerants. Following the Group’s stock exchange listing in June 2018, the issue of sustainability began to be examined in even more detail, with new stimuli and new stakeholders, obviously including minority shareholders and the financial markets in general. The plan drawn up in 2021 was in fact defined exploiting the expertise of the ESG team, a multi-level governance body comprising the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee and a member of the Board of Directors, with the aim of developing the issues sustainability as part of the Group’s medium-long term vision. The plan identifies six areas of commitment (Sustainable Strategy and Governance, Environmental Policies, Innovation and Technology, People, Communication, and Sustainable Development of Local Communities) and comprises 55 sustainability objectives, each with specific targets, spread over a three-year period, to be achieved through the involvement of 13 company departments and with a budget of more than 2.6 million euros.
Carlotta Rossi Luciani, CAREL executive director with responsibility for the ESG commented: “The efforts made by the entire Group in drawing up the plan in 2021 not only reflect the extent to which sustainability issues increasingly belong to all of the women and men who work at the company, but also underline our intention to take on board the requests of all stakeholders and to act as a key player in creating well-being in the communities where we operate. The challenges of today and tomorrow are extremely important and difficult, and not only in the sectors where we work, but for the protection of the entire planet. We believe that we have now laid solid foundations that will help us continue to make our contribution to successfully facing these challenges.”